Display "Enthusiasm" through actions:
- Show passion for job
- Express desire to do better
- Be willing to go extra miles to get job done well
- Address inefficiency, waste, unsafe behaviors, bad habits, undesired behaviors, disciplinary violations
- Show interest in learning & development
- Volunteer to take on extra tasks
- Promote team spirit and teamwork
- Not stop with current results, try to make it higher as long as they’re achievable.
- Learn from experience
- Change behavior in response to feedback
- Willingly try out different solutions, or approaches
- Be opened to change when presented with new perspective
- Never say “that’s a stupid idea”
- Never say “I’ve done this many times and it never works”
- Do say “why would this work?” Or “have you considered xyz?”
- Welcome and adopt new initiatives
- Being friendly and cheerful to others
- Use right channel for grievance
- Act with high energy level