Dear Valued Customers,
We would like to express our sincere thank for choosing CMIT's services.
It has come to our attention that, while using our services and making payments to CMIT, there have been cases where customers have either overpaid or paid for services they did not use, resulting in an excess balance in CMIT’s account.
To address this issue, we have established an online Refund Portal for your convenience, which can be accessed through the following link: You can request a refund of the excess payment through this portal.
However, we have noticed that there are still some outstanding balances that have not been processed for a long time due to the lack of refund requests from customers. Therefore, CMIT would like to inform you of our refund request timeline as follows:
- For excess payment of over 1 year from payment date, please contact CMIT and submit a refund request and supporting documents no later than December 20, 2023, to ensure that the processing is completed within this year 2023.
- After December 20, 2023, we will only accept refund requests for excess amounts within the past 1 year from payment date. Requests exceeding this time frame will regrettably be declined. We kindly urge you to review your payment history and promptly submit any necessary refund requests to CMIT within this specified timeframe to receive a timely refund.
We kindly request that you share this important information with any relevant parties.
For further information and support, kindly contact CMIT Gate team at:
Hotline: 0937 607 768
Once again, we extend our sincere thanks for your continued support.